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Hofkritik Im England Des Mittelalters Und Der Renaissance : Studien Zu Einem Gemeinplatz Der Europaischen Moralistik (9783110045017)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 466 pages Dimensions 156 x 234 x 25mm | 826g Publication date ...

Lateinische Wortkunde Fur Alt- Und Neusprachler : Der Lateinische Grundwortschatz Im Italienischen, Spanischen, Franzosischen Und Englischen (9783170206946)

Latein ist der beste Schlussel zu einer vielseitigen europaischen Mehrsprachigkeit. Lateinkenntnisse eroffnen einen direkten Zugang zu samtlichen romanischen Sprachen, aber auch zum Englischen, von dessen heutigem Wortschatz etwas mehr als die Halfte lateinisch-romanischen Ursprungs ist. Dieses Buch leistet einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer Didaktik, die das Erlernen mehrerer Sprachen zusammendenken will. Es ist ein Arbeitsmittel sowohl fur den Schulunterricht als auch fur das Grundstudium in Latinistik, Romanistik, Anglistik, Germanistik. Lateinischer Grundwortschatz von knapp 1600 Wortern - Alphabetische Anordnung nach lateinischen Wortfamilien - Horizontale Gliederung nach den verschiedenen Sprachen - Gangige Fremd- und Lehnworter - Lateinische und neusprachliche Kontextbeispiele - Grundzuge der Sprachgeschichte und Sprachentwicklung - Lateinisch-romanische Wortbildungslehre Product details ...

Victorian Poetry and the Culture of Evaluation (9780198856108)

Victorian Poetry and the Culture of Evaluation argues that the dialectic and dynamic relationship between the periodical review and poetry creates a culture of evaluation which shapes Victorian poetic form. The mediation of poetry by the periodical review orients poets towards public readership and reception, heightening their self-consciousness about their audience and generating a poetics of publicness. Using methodologies associated with historical poetics and new formalism, the book examines the dialogues between poets and periodical reviews from the 1830s to the 1860s. It juxtaposes male and female poets and canonical and uncanonical texts. Challenging the critical binaries of fame and celebrity, the culture of evaluation posits a new way of reading Victorian poetry. It illuminates poets' engagement with the immediacy and inevitability of writing for the present and for the contemporary media through which poetry was read and disseminated. New patterns of reception were crea...

Sex in Peace Operations (9781107030329)

Gabrielle Simm's critical re-evaluation of sex between international personnel and local people examines the zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and its international legal framework. Whereas most preceding studies of the issue have focused exclusively on military peacekeepers, Sex in Peace Operations also covers the private military contractors and humanitarian NGO workers who play increasingly important roles in peace operations. Informed by socio-legal studies, Simm uses three case studies (Bosnia, West Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) to illustrate the extent of the problem and demonstrate that the problems of impunity for sexual crimes are not just a failure of political will but the result of the structural weaknesses of international law in addressing non-state actors. Combining the insights of feminist critique with a regulatory approach to international law, her conclusions will interest scholars of international law, peace and conflict s...

The Collapse of Parenting : How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups (0465094287)

In The Collapse of Parenting, internationally acclaimed author Leonard Sax argues that rising levels of obesity, depression, and anxiety among young people can be traced to parents abdicating their authority. The result is children who have no standard of right and wrong, who lack discipline, and who look to their peers and the Internet for direction. Sax shows how parents must reassert their authority-by limiting time with screens, by encouraging better habits at the dinner table, and by teaching humility and perspective-to help their children thrive in an increasingly complicated world Product details Format Paperback | 450 pages Dimensions ...

A Tiger's Walk : Memoirs of an Auburn Football Player (1613214413)

Readers have the opportunity to enter the world of college football and follow one player through his experiences on the gridiron of the Southeastern Conference for the Auburn Tigers. A Tiger's Walk observes him as he battles the highs and lows of championship and losing seasons, coaching hirings and firings, and personal success and tragedy. Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, the self-proclaimed "football capital of the South," Rob Pate grew up well aware of the significance of college football in his home state. At the age of five he embarked on a journey in football that carried him from a proud youth league ballpark in small-town Alabama to the splendor of SEC football, as well as to the National Football League. Readers can gain an understanding of daily life in college football from the perspective of someone who recently stepped off the field for the very last time. This is one Tiger's walk in the world of today's student athlete, helping fans watch ...

The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids, Volume 5 (1571986138)

Kids can&;t put it down! Parents can&;t wait to pick it up! Teachers give it high marks! Created for kids ages 8 and up, The Old Farmer&;s Almanac for Kids features fascinating stories, fun facts, and activities that provide hours of edu-tainment. This brand-new edition in the biannual series includes chapters on . . . &; Astronomy: with Moon tales and trivia; telling time by the stars; a visit to Venus &; Calendar: unusual celebrations for every month (Limerick Day, Happy Cat Month, National Chemistry Week), with related activities to try anytime &; Weather: what happens in a hurricane; a buganado blitz and other weird weather; a chilling peek at the South Pole &; Food: the a-peel (get it?) and quirky uses of bananas (Sri Lankans use the stems to make shoe soles); a twisted history of pretzels &; Nature: the world is alive with swamp creatures, howling wolves, cockroaches, and reindeer&;oh, my! &; In the Garden: advice for a fairy-tale garden of...

Baudolino (3423131381)

Der mit allen Wassern der Fabulierkunst gewaschene Schelm Baudolino erzählt uns seine Lebensgeschichte.Informationen über die historischen Hintergründe zu "Baudolino" finden Sie im Special des Carl Hanser Verlags ... Konstantinopel brennt! Die prachtvolle Hauptstadt des Byzantinischen Reiches - erobert, geplündert und in Brand gesetzt von den Rittern des Vierten Kreuzzuges. Einer von ihnen ist ein gewisser Baudolino aus dem Piemont. Den Kopf voller Flausen, Phantasien und Lügen, führt er uns durch ein historisches Panorama von überwältigender Breite. Er erzählt, wie er als 13jähriger Bauernsohn den im Nebel herumirrenden Kaiser Barbarossa aufgabelt, der Gefallen an dem naseweisen Jungen findet und ihn daraufhin adoptiert; wie er den Kaiser auf seinen Italienzügen gegen die aufmüpfigen oberitalienischen Städte begleitet und auf den großen Kreuzzug ins Heilige Land, immer auf der Suche nach dem mythischen Reich des Priesterkönigs Johannes im fernen Orient. Und natürlich wie er,...

Technische Str Mungslehre : Lehr- Und Bungsbuch (3834805238)

Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch betont die Darstellung der physikalischen Grundlagen. Neben diesem Hauptteil des Buches liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Beispiel- und Übungsbereich. Durchgerechnete Beispiele und Aufgaben zur selbstständigen Lösung bieten dem Lernenden eine gute Lernerfolgskontrolle. Das Kapitel über CFD wurde anhand eines konkreten Berechnungsbeispiels erweitert. Die Qualität der Bilder wurde verbessert. Product details Format Book | 364 pages Dimensions 174 x 243 x 22mm ...

All In Startup : Launching a New Idea When Everything Is on the Line (1118857666)

If Owen Chase can't find a way to turn his company around in the next nine days, he'll be forced to shut it down and lay off all of his employees. He has incurred substantial debt and his marriage is on shaky ground. Through pure happenstance, Owen finds himself pondering this problem while advancing steadily as a contestant at the World Series of Poker. His Las Vegas path quickly introduces him to Samantha, a beautiful and mysterious mentor with a revolutionary approach to entrepreneurship. Sam is a fountain of knowledge that may save his company, but her sexual advances might prove too much for Owen's struggling marriage. All In Startup is more than just a novel about eschewing temptation and fighting to save a company. It is a lifeline for entrepreneurs who are thinking about launching a new idea or for those who have already started but can't seem to generate the traction they were expecting. Entrepreneurs who achieve success in the new economy do so using a new ...

Contact (9781857235807)

At first it seemed impossible - a radio signal that came not from Earth but from far beyond the nearest stars. But then the signal was translated, and what had been impossible became terrifying. For the signal contains the information to build a Machine that can travel to the stars. A Machine that can take a human to meet those that sent the message. They are eager to meet us: they have been watching and waiting for a long time. And now they will judge. Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages Dimensions 106 x 178 x 30mm ...

Communicating with Allah : Rediscovering Prayer (Salah) (9780860377153)

Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but for too many of us these are little more than physical movements devoid of any spirit or divine connection? In contrast, the Prophet characterised prayer as "the spiritual ascent (mi'raj) of the believer." In a modern world of constant distraction, how are we to achieve the communion with the Divine that prayer is supposed to be? How can we reach the state of the Prophet who would ask his Companion Bilal to give the call to prayer with the expression: "Give us repose through it, O Bilal." The present short but valuable work provides us with the answer. Dr Bassam Saeh, a scholar of the Arabic language, casts a refreshing new perspective on prayer in the modern context. With practical examples, and in contemporary idiom, he charts a path for the seeker of God's pleasure to attain a deeper sense of consciousness and devotion in prayer. The short chapters of this work are designed to be read and reread as const...

Konstruktionsleitfaden Fertigungstechnik : Anwendungsbeispiele Aus Der Praxis (3834815799)

Das Fachbuch zeigt sehr anschaulich Spezialvorrichtungen sowie Stutz- und Positionierelemente. Merksatze und Richtlinien pragen genauso wie tabellarische Ubersichten von Vor- und Nachteilen den praxisnahen Charakter. Product details Format Hardback | 332 pages Dimensions 168 x 240 x 34mm | 1,079g Publication date 01 Aug 2...

SpongeBob Comics: Book 1: Silly Sea Stories (1419723197)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob Comics: Silly Sea Stories is a collection of previously published material specially curated by SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg and some of the biggest names in comics. Silly Sea Stories includes short, self-contained classic SpongeBob stories. The book brings together the main characters and the rest of the undersea cast that fans know and love all in an exciting new comic book adventure. Product details Format Paperback | 112 pages Dimensions 153 x 229 ...

Pediatric Nutrition (0763784508)

Pediatric Nutrition, Fourth Edition covers nutrition guidelines from preconception through neonatal, including normal growth, inborn errors, acute care medical conditions like diabetes, and cardiac and pulmonary issues. It covers the latest clinical research, accepted practice protocols, and study of the normal child from preconception through adolescence. In a practical and detailed manner, this best-selling text provides cutting edge research and resources on the most important pediatric practice issues and therapies. Commonly used by dietetic practitioners studying for their Pediatric Specialty exams, registered dietitians, dietetic technicians, nutritionists, pediatricians, nurses, and dietetic students, this book is considered the last word in pediatric nutrition. Product details Format Paperback ...

Willi Fährmann 'Der überaus starke Willibald', Literaturseiten : Textverständnis, Lesekompetenz, Politisch denken, Fantasie & Kreativität, Mit Lösungen. Kopiervorlagen (9783866321755)

Dieses Heft bietet direkt einsetzbares Begleitmaterial zur Lektüre, die hier kapitelweise aufgearbeitet wird. Dadurch verinnerlicht der Schüler den Inhalt des Lesestoffes effektiver! Jedem Kapitel ist mindestens ein Arbeitsblatt mit abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben gewidmet. Dabei wird durch gezielte Impulsfragen auf den Inhalt der Lektüre näher eingegangen. Zusätzlich bieten die Arbeitsblätter Übungen zum sinnerfassenden Lesen, zur Meinungsbildung, zu Wortschatz, Grammatik und Rechtschreibung sowie zur Zeichensetzung. Aufgabenarten: Textverständnis, Lückentexte, Rollenspiele, Aufgaben zum politischen Denken u.v.m. Mit Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle! 64 Seiten Product details Format Paperback | 64 pages ...

Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose : One Hundred Best-Loved Verses (0060081716)

New York Times bestseller! From the warm and colorful imagination of Mary Engelbreit comes a Mother Goose book bursting with warmth and humor. This highly illustrated hardcover treasury includes everyone's favorite time-honored characters--Little Bo-Peep, Humpty Dumpty, Old King Cole, Jack and Jill, and many, many more. Readers will enjoy Mary Engelbreit's interpretations of the mouse running up the clock, piggies going to market, and children dancing 'round the mulberry bush. With one hundred rhymes in all, all lavishly illustrated in Mary Engelbreit's signature style, this collection of time-honored verses is truly a book to behold. Makes an excellent gift for baby showers, new parents, and other special occasions! Special features include: - An introduction from children's book historian Leonard S. Marcus- A note from Mary Engelbreit about the process of creating the book- An index of first lines--easy to track down your favorite rhyme! ...

The Message of Romans : God's Good News for the World (0830812466)

One of Christianity Today's 1995 Books of the YearWhen Paul first penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his coming mission to the western reaches of the Mediterranean world. Little did he know that for two millennia this tautly tuned exposition of the gospel would echo through church and academy, market and home. Or that it would leap great oceans to reverberate through lands and hearts beyond the farthest edges of his world. John Stott, in this new paperback edition previously released with the title Romans, joins a chorus of distinguished voices of the church who have pondered and lived the great themes of Romans, and who have tuned our ears to hear its rich harmonies and meditate on its broad vision. In the classic tradition of great Christian leaders who have commented on Romans, Stott expounds Paul's words, themes and arguments. The power of the gospel, the righteousness of God revealed from heaven, is clearly addre...

Tel Aviv : Food. People. Stories. a Culinary Journey with Neni (9781788840293)

Tel Aviv is colorful, cosmopolitan and modern; a city full of contrasts, fragrances, stories and flavors. It is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, religions and delicious culinary traditions. Successful restaurateurs Haya Molcho and her four sons take us on a journey to meet Tel Aviv's local chefs and story-tellers - from the epicures and the urban forager, to the magician and the survivor - capturing the special spirit of the city's many cuisines and inhabitants. Haya revisits the recipes of her home town, re-creating the flavors of her childhood: knafeh, green shakshuka, sarma, Israeli paella, pickled lemons and much more. Product details Format Hardback | 280 pages ...

Cognition and Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis (9781433829321)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system which can strike people in their prime with devastating impact. In recent years, researchers have begun to study the multilayered and complicated cognitive problems that are often associated with MS. But there is surprisingly little information available today for neuropsychologists and other mental health practitioners about how cognitive impairment impacts life and behavior, and how patients can manage their disease through medicine, exercise, and rehabilitation. Cognition and Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis addresses this dearth of scholarly work by offering a comprehensive analysis of the effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) on cognition. Authors survey the impact of cognitive impairment on behavioral problems, employment-related issues, and the development of neuropsychiatric disorders. Practitioners will learn to interpret MRIs and provide treatment for a wide range of symptoms and disorders including depression, fat...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of United (9780989908726)

It is said that you don't choose your team--your team chooses you. On April 5, 1975 Manchester United Football Club chooses a young football fanatic growing up on England's North West coast. On this day, Gary B. France becomes "United." Twenty years later, Gary relocates to the United States. His destination is Detroit where football means the Detroit Lions--and soccer is virtually nonexistent. Embarking on a journey thousands of miles from home, Gary is determined to reconnect with the team and the game he left behind. Before long, he is thrust into an early morning underground subculture of soccer fanatics. Could America be waking up to soccer? At last count, there are more than six hundred million Manchester United fans worldwide. The English Premier League is the most-watched soccer league on American soil and Manchester United tops the list of the most popular soccer teams in the U.S. This book isn't simply about one man's dedication to soccer and his ...

Running on Empty : Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect (9781614482420)

Running on Empty is the first self-help book about Emotional Neglect: an invisible force from your childhood which you can't see, but may be affecting you profoundly to this day. It is about what didn't happen in your childhood, what wasn't said, and what cannot be remembered. Do you sometimes feel as if you're just going through the motions in life? Are you good at looking and acting as if you're fine, but secretly feel lonely and disconnected? Perhaps you have a fine life and are good at your work, but somehow it's just not enough to make you happy. If so, you are not alone. The world is full of people who have an innate sense that something is wrong with them. Who feel they live on the outside looking in, but have no explanation for their feeling and no way to put it into words. Who blame themselves for not being happier. If you are one of these people, you may fear that you are not connected enough to your spouse, or that you don't feel pleasure or...