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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Hofkritik Im England Des Mittelalters Und Der Renaissance : Studien Zu Einem Gemeinplatz Der Europaischen Moralistik (9783110045017)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 466 pages Dimensions 156 x 234 x 25mm | 826g Publication date ...

Mahomet (9781617202582)

This powerful work was read by Voltaire to Frederick of Prussia in 1740, to the king's great delight. The play was withdrawn after the fourth representation, under pressure of Church authorities who professed to see in it a bloody satire against the Christian religion. Almost three hundred years later critics are still unclear if this play is a rebuke of Islam or of Christianity or, perhaps, both. Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment. Product details Format Paperback | 54 pages Dimensions ...

Providence (9781433568343)

John Piper brings a lifetime of theology, Bible meditation, and pastoral ministry to bear on the doctrine of God's providence, showing how God's all-pervasive governing of all things glorifies Christ, and is spectacularly good news for those who trust him. Product details Format Hardback | 752 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 53.34mm | 1,192g Pub...

Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards (9781925538830)

New-Earth Codes and Wisdoms For Our Ancient Future Transform shadow into light, bridge duality and inspire heaven on earth through practical and enlightening insight from Lemuria. Recall the past and glimpse the future. Expand your conscious awareness and behold the wonders of the greater world. This uniquely stunning deck from artist and author, Izzy Ivy, is infused with loving guidance, greater knowledge and encoded symbols to enliven the truth in you with the majesty of the Universe. Fusing childlike innocence with all-knowing depth and strength in her characters, Izzy Ivy combines art with the spirit that dances her. Every image is seeded with subtle symbolism for the collective dreaming and keys to a deeper recall. Meet the Lemurians, connect with their energy and work with the macro-microcosm to reclaim wholeness and step into your light. It's time for the remembering . it's time to go Beyond Lemuria. 56 full colour cards and 148-page guidebook, packaged in a hardcover b...

Handbook on Metalloproteins (9780824705206)

This Handbook on Metalloproteins focuses on the available structural information of proteins and their metal ion coordination spheres. It centers on the metal ions indispensable for life but also considers metal ions used as substitution probes in studies of metalloproteins. Emphasizing the structure-function relationship, the book covers the common and distinct characterstics of metallo- enzymes, proteins, and amino acids bonded to copper, zinc, iron, and more. Product details Format Hardback | 1108 pages Dimensions 210 x 280 x 5...

Granulieren (3871934372)

Das Granulieren ist einer der wichtigsten Herstellprozesse in der Pharmazeutischen Industrie. Das Praxisbuch bietet, gerade auch für Quereinsteiger, einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundlagen, die gängigen Verfahren sowie die Untersuchungsmethoden von Granulaten in kompakter Form.Aus dem Inhalt:Haftkräfte in feuchten und trockenen Granulaten Abläufe beim Feuchtgranulieren Charakterisierung der Granulate wesentliche Granulateigenschaften Messverfahren Wirbelschichtgranulation Mischergranulation Trockengranulation Pellets Neu in der 2. Auflage: Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) Product details Format Paperback | 206 pages Dimensions ...

Einführung in die Stadtökologie (3825236404)

Was ist Stadtökologie? Was wissen wir über die Natur in der Stadt und wie lassen sich Städte ökologisch gliedern? Welche Rolle spielen Klima, Wasserhaushalt und Boden im urbanen Raum? Welche Pflanzen und Tiere haben sich besonders gut an das Stadtleben angepasst? Wie greifen Stadtbewohner gewollt oder ungewollt in die natürlichen Wechselbeziehungen ein? Welche Bedeutung kommt der Stadtplanung zu und mit welchen Herausforderungen des globalen Wandels müssen Städte zunehmend umgehen? Diese und andere Grundfragen des urbanen Mensch- Umwelt-Systems werden vom Autor ausführlich und anschaulich erläutert. Merksätze in der Randspalte fassen die wichtigsten Inhalte und Erkenntnisse prägnant zusammen, zahlreiche Abbildungen und Tabellen illustrieren die Sachverhalte und erleichtern das Verständnis. Ein Verweissystem mit umfangreichem Literatur- und Stichwortverzeichnis ermöglicht die weitere Vertiefung und das schnelle Auffinden von Informationen. Product d...

Fasti (9780192824110)

'Times and their reasons, arranged in order through the Latin year, and constellations sunk beneath the earth and risen, I shall sing.' Ovid's poetical calendar of the Roman year is both a day by day account of festivals and observances and their origins, and a delightful retelling of myths and legends associated with particular dates. Written in the late years of the emperor Augustus, and cut short when the emperor sent the poet into exile, the poem's tone ranges from tragedy to farce, and its subject matter from astronomy and obscure ritual to Roman history and Greek mythology. Among the stories Ovid tells at length are those of Arion and the dolphin, the rape of Lucretia, the shield that fell from heaven, the adventures of Dido's sister, the Great Mother's journey to Rome, the killing of Remus, the bloodsucking birds, and the murderous daughter of King Servius. The poem also relates a wealth of customs and beliefs, such as the unluckiness of marrying i...