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Hofkritik Im England Des Mittelalters Und Der Renaissance : Studien Zu Einem Gemeinplatz Der Europaischen Moralistik (9783110045017)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 466 pages Dimensions 156 x 234 x 25mm | 826g Publication date ...

The Call of the Wild (9780141336541)

Life is good for Buck in Santa Clara Valley, where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine. But one day a treacherous act of betrayal leads to his kidnap, and he is forced into a life of toil and danger. Dragged away to be a sledge dog in the harsh and freezing cold Yukon, Buck must fight for his survivial. Can he rise above his enemies and become the master of his realm once again? One in a series of 12 highly collectable hardback Puffin Classics with stunningly beautiful cover designs. Product details For ages 0-5 Format Hardback | 160 pages ...

Astronomy : A Self-Teaching Guide, Eighth Edition (1620459906)

Now in full color and thoroughly revised, this perennial bestseller is the most comprehensive and successful beginner's astronomy books in the market. One of the best ways by which one can be introduced to the wonders of astronomy. --The Strolling Astronomer For a generation, Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide has introduced hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide to the night sky. Now this classic beginner's guide has been completely revised to bring it up to date with the latest discoveries. Updated with the latest, most accurate information, new online resources, and more than 100 new graphics and photos, this Eighth Edition features: Website addresses throughout for the best color images and astronomy resources online Technical ideas made simple without mathematics A beautiful updated full-color, glossy insert with spectacular images An interactive format with learning goals, reviews, self-tests, and answers for fast learning Produc...

Skriptprogrammierung mit ELOprofessional : JavaScript-Programmierung für den ELO Java Client (3934150535)

Mit dem ELO Java Client verwalten Sie komfortabel ELO-Archive - unabhängig vom verwendeten Betriebssystem. Der Einsatz von JavaScript kann diese Verwaltungsarbeit deutlich automatisieren, vereinfachen und erweitern. Nun beschreibt Matthias Thiele, Geschäftsführer der ELO Digital Office GmbH, welche Vorgehensweisen dabei praktikabel und effizient sind. Angesprochen werden Entwickler und Administratoren, die in die Skriptprogrammierung des ELO Java Clients einsteigen oder vorhandene Kenntnisse vertiefen möchten. Wer mit Visual Basic, C++ oder Java arbeitet, findet eine Einführung in die Arbeit mit JavaScript. Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der Skriptprogrammierung werden beschrieben und Lösungskonzepte vorgestellt. Praxisnah geschrieben, mit vielen Bild- und Skriptbeispielen, sind weitere Schwerpunkte des Buches das ELO-Client-Objektmodell und die sachgerechte Einbindung von Programmteilen. Product details ...

Notebook : Thanksgiving Happy Turkey Day Holiday Gift Dot Grid 6x9 120 Pages (9781085965149)

This Notebook makes a great present for Christmas, Easter and birthdays. Product details Format Paperback | 122 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 7mm | 172g Publication date 28 Jul 2019 Publisher ...

Sportarten: Fußball kompetenzorientiert : Kompakte Unterrichsreihen Klasse 5-10. Buch mit Kopiervorlagen über Webcode (3589163291)

Informationen zum Titel: Pass spielen, Ballannahme oder Torschuss und vieles mehr. Informationen zur Reihe: Alle sind dabei - so begeistern Sie auch Sportmuffel! Die Schüler/-innen planen und organisieren die Unterrichtseinheiten selbst - und alle sind beteiligt, unabhängig von ihrer Fitness. Gemeinsames Ziel ist eine Vorführung des Erlernten. Die Elemente bauen im Schwierigkeitsgrad aufeinander auf, lassen sich aber auch unabhängig voneinander einsetzen. Mit zahlreichen instruktiven Zeichnungen, Fotos und Kopiervorlagen als Download per Webcode. Product details Format Hardback | 80 pages Dimensions 210...

Preparing for Contact (9781891824906)

This book is a compilation of some of the experiences Arthur has had with the dolphins. These experiences triggered his opening and awakening as a channel. Product details Format Paperback | 300 pages Dimensions 149.86 x 226.06 x 17.78mm | 430.91g Publication date 01 Oct 2011 ...

El Croquis 203 - Harquitectes 2010-2020. Learning To Live In A Different Way (9788412003451)

Based in Barcelona, Harquitectes was established in 2000 and has since become internationally acclaimed. This issue looks at the Catalonian firm s past decade of work and features detailed profiles of no less than 20 projects, plus an extensive conversation with the architects and an essay by Philip Ursprung. Many houses are included among the selection of recent projects, along with a student residence at the Vallès School of Architecture, Mas Geli Winery, New Barcelona Central Archives, ICTA-ICP Research Centre at UAB, social housing in Gavá, and the La Lleialtat Santsenca Civic Centre, plus renovation projects that include private homes and a theatre rehabilitation. Product details Format Paperback | 336 pages ...

Bully (9780349405933)

My name is Tate. He doesn't call me that, though. He would never refer to me by a friendly nickname. No, he'll barely even speak to me. But he still won't leave me alone. We were best friends once. Then he turned on me and made it his mission to ruin my life. I've been humiliated, shut out, and gossiped about all through high school. His pranks and rumors got worse as time wore on, and I made myself sick trying to stay out of his way. I even went to France for a year, just to avoid him. But I'm done hiding from him now, and there's no way in hell I'll allow him to ruin another year. He might not have changed, but I have. It's time to fight back. For fans of Abbi Glines and Colleen Hoover comes the next big name in New Adult romance Praise for Bully: 'Penelope creates incredible tension between her characters in this best friends to enemies to lovers romance. It touches on the trauma of high school relationships, first loves, and broken hearts...

The Skull in the Rock : How a Scientist, a Boy, and Google Earth Opened a New Window on Human Origins (9781426310102)

From the fossil hunter who discovered the Homo naledi fossils in September 2015, this book is an amazing account of Lee Berger's 2008 hunt - with the help of his curious 9-year-old son - for a previously unknown species of ape-like creatures that may have been direct ancestors of modern humans. The discovery of two remarkably well preserved, two-million-year-old fossils of an adult female and young male, known as Australopithecus sediba, has been hailed as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in history. The fossils reveal what may be one of humankind's oldest ancestors. Berger believes the skeletons they found on the Malapa site in South Africa could be the "Rosetta stone that unlocks our understanding of the genus Homo" and may just redesign the human family tree. Berger, an Eagle Scout and National Geographic Grantee, is the Reader in Human Evolution and the Public Understanding of Science in the Institute for Human Evolution at the University of W...

Web Presence : Staying Noticed in a Networked World (9781843347279)

Web presence is more than a conventional website or Facebook page; it is the overall presence you establish online through engagement with many forms of social media and web publishing. Web Presence explores and explains the foundational aspects of social media and the web. Creating, maintaining, and building up a presence is essential for both individuals and organisations who want to stay noticed. This practical book explores how web presence is about the network of distributed information nodes we create, tied together through social media. Structured into seven chapters, the title asks what web presence is, and gives examples, before exploring issues of web presence and identity. It then moves on to creating, networking, and framing web presence. Finally, the book analyses risks and opportunities associated with web presence, and offers a conclusion. Product details Forma...

The Good Immigrant : 21 writers reflect on race in contemporary Britain (9781783523955)

First published in 2016, The Good Immigrant has since been hailed as a modern classic and credited with reshaping the discussion about race in contemporary Britain. It brings together a stellar cast of the country's most exciting voices to reflect on why immigrants come to the UK, why they stay and what it means to be 'other' in a place that doesn't seem to want you, doesn't truly accept you - however many generations you've been here - but still needs you for its diversity monitoring forms. This 5th anniversary edition, featuring a new preface by editor Nikesh Shukla, shows that the pieces collected here are as poignant, challenging, angry, humorous, heartbreaking and important as ever. Product details Format Paperback | 272 pages ...

Prof. Dr. Brian Teaser - 10 Minuten-Mathe-Rep (9783761426463)

Immer wieder stellt man fest, dass elementares mathematisches Basiswissen in Vergessenheit geraten ist und neu aufgefrischt werden muss. Sozusagen bei "Adam und Eva" wieder anfangen. Mit den Kopiervorlagen aus diesem Band können Schüler die Grundlagen ihres mathematischen Wissens entwickeln und durch Wiederholen und Üben speichern, um sie bei Bedarf aus dem Langzeitgedächtnis abzurufen. Die Aufgaben sind aufgeteilt nach Klassenstufe 5/6, 7/8 und 9/10. Pro Seite sind zwei Kopiervorlagen abgebildet, die jeweils zehn thematisch ganz unterschiedliche Aufgaben enthalten. Die Lösungen finden sich in einem Kasten neben den Aufgaben, der leicht abgedeckt, abgeschnitten oder nach hinten weggefalzt werden kann. Product details Format Paperback | 80 pages ...

Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers (9781119061151)

The complete guide to the basics of nonprofit financial management Let's be honest. Most books about financial management are densely written, heavy on jargon, and light on practicality. Expert financial consultant and author Tom McLaughlin takes a different approach with his fourth edition of Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers. This comprehensive guide provides effective, easy-to-use tips, tools, resources, and analyses. The light, humorous tone in Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers makes it an accessible resource for nonprofit executives, board members, students, and those new to the field. This book forgoes useless, pretentious verbiage in order to outline real-world strategies that work. This edition includes: * New insights, updates, vignettes, case studies, and examples to deal with the implications of nonprofit financial management * An examination of nonprofit business models in relation to growing demands from the government and other fun...

The Swiss Army Knife Book : 63 Outdoor Projects (9780711238893)

Woodsman Felix Immler reveals how to build a comfortable camp in the wilderness using nothing more than a pocket knife. Simple natural materials are used for making a waterproof roof, a chair, a bed, a table, a fridge, and an oven, as well as for carving spoons, knifes, and bowls. You can even grill a chicken on a self-made, water-driven skewer. The Swiss Army Knife Book is full of ideas for exciting activities, suitable for families and teens as well as adult explorers. Product details Format Hardback | 208 pages Dimensions 192 x 245 ...

Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation (Student Text) [second Edition] (1594716277)

Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation leads students in Catholic high schools through an in depth study of the Paschal Mystery, which leads into a life of discipleship. Product details Format Paperback | 400 pages Dimensions 216 x 274 x 23mm | 1,293g Publication date 19 Mar 2018 ...

Murach's C# (7th Edition) (9781943872534)

This book gets you off to a fast start by showing you how to use C#, Visual Studio, and .NET to develop Windows Forms applications. Next, it shows you the best techniques for developing object-oriented applications. Then, it shows you how to work with a database...a must in business development...using Entity Framework and LINQ or ADO.NET. Along the way, this book presents the time-saving features available from the most recent releases of C#, .NET, and Visual Studio. The result? You'll quickly gain the essential skills needed to develop any C# application...whether for the desktop, the web, or mobile devices. In fact, No other introductory C# book teaches you so much, so fast, or so thoroughly. Product details Format Paperback | 818 pages ...

La gloire de mon pere (9782877065078)

Un petit Marseillais d'il y a un siècle: l'école primaire; le cocon familial; les premières vacances dans les collines, à La Treille; la première chasse avec son père... Lorsqu il commence à rédiger ses Souvenirs d'enfance, au milieu des années cinquante, Marcel Pagnol est en train de s'éloigner du cinéma., et le théâtre ne lui sourit plus. La Gloire de mon père, dès sa parution, en 1957, est salué comme marquant l'avènement d'un grand prosateur. Joseph, le père instituteur., Augustine, la timide maman., l'oncle Jules, la tante Rosé, le petit frère Paul, deviennent immédiatement aussi populaires que Marius, César ou Panisse. Et la scène de la chasse à la bartavelle se transforme immédiatement en dictée d'école primaire... Les souvenirs de Pagnol sont un peu ceux de tous les enfants du monde. Plus tard, paraît-il, Pagnol aurait voulu qu'ils deviennent un film. C 'est Yves Robert qui, longtemps après la mort de l'écrivain, le réalis...

Grammar 3 Pupil Book : In Precursive Letters (British English edition) (9781844144051)

Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Pupil Books 1, 2 and 3, the Grammar Pupil Books builds on the skills taught in Jolly Phonics, and introduces grammar and spelling rules to improve writing and reading comprehension. Children are able to work through the Grammar 3 Pupil book and complete a wide variety of engaging activities, which develop grammar, spelling, punctuation and comprehension skills. Lessons are provided for 1 Grammar or punctuation and 1 Spelling lesson per week for a for a year. The teacher is able to support and guide the children with the Grammar 3 Teacher's Book. Topics covered include: * Revision of elements covered in The Grammar 1 & 2 Pupil Books * New spelling patters - tch, dge, ure, gn, gh, ex, n for /ng/, s, se and ze for /z/, a for /ar/, y for /i/, a for /o/, ere for /air/, and eer and ere for /ear/ * Suffixes -'less', 'able' and 'ful'. * Proper adjectives * Nouns acting as adjectives * Collective nouns. * P...

The Ethical Slut : A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love (9780399579660)

The classic guide to love, sex, and intimacy beyond the limits of conventional monogamy has been fully updated to reflect today's modern attitudes and the latest information on nontraditional relationships. "One of the most useful relationship books you could ever read, no matter what your lifestyle choices. It's chock-full of great information about communication, jealousy, asking for what you want, and maintaining a relationship with integrity."--Annie Sprinkle, PhD, sexologist and author of Dr. Sprinkle's Spectacular Sex For 20 years The Ethical Slut--widely known as the "Poly Bible"--has dispelled myths and showed curious readers how to maintain a successful polyamorous lifestyle through open communication, emotional honesty, and safer sex practices. The third edition of this timeless guide to the ethics of relationships, communication, and sex has been revised to include: - Interviews with poly millennials (young people who have grown up without t...

Japanese from Zero!: 4 (0989654508)

Japanese From Zero! is an innovative and integrated approach to learning Japanese that was developed by professional Japanese interpreter George Trombley, Yukari Takenaka and was continuously refined over fifteen years in the classroom by native Japanese professors. Using up-to-date and easy-to-grasp grammar, Japanese From Zero! is the perfect course for current students of Japanese as well as absolute beginners. In volume four of the Japanese From Zero! series, readers are introduced to advanced grammar concepts, over 750 new words and expressions, and are also progressively taught Kanji words and characters. Product details Format Paperback | 440 pages Dimensions ...

The Dominance Playbook : Ways to Play With Power in Scenes and Relationships (9780937609903)

In The Dominance Playbook, kink educator and lifelong power exchange fanatic Anton Fulmen builds on the fundamentals he established in The Heart of Dominance to explore beyond the basics of dominance and submission in both scenes and relationships. The Playbook includes inspiration and practical advice for a wide range of power exchange practices: administering effective punishments, providing useful service, navigating the delicate territory of sexual objectification, and other fulfilling but sometimes tricky areas of kink. You'll find invaluable guidance for creating an intense evening of power exchange play, and also for weaving power exchange into the fabric of a long term relationship - in ways that are exciting, fulfilling and sustainable for everyone. Product details Format Paperback ...

Eat Up, Raise Your Game : 100 easy, nutritious recipes to help you perform better on exercise days and rest days (9780717184385)

In his work with elite athletes, performance nutritionist Daniel Davey has seen first-hand how consistently eating good food can lead to trophies, personal bests and incredible physiques. But the good news is that it's not just in elite sport that tremendous results can be accomplished through the right diet. Anyone can feel and perform better with the right food choices. A healthy diet with appropriate energy and nutrients will make you feel energetic, positive, healthy, fit, strong and confident. The recipes in this cookbook are designed to help people experience these positive feelings every day. Every day is different, so recipes are devised based on what you should be eating at different times, whether you're in active or recovery mode. Recipes are broken down into two broad categories: higher carbohydrate recipes for fuelling your performance or supporting recovery on exercise days, and lower carbohydrate recipes, which are more relevant to active recovery days (when les...

A Toolkit for Modern Life : 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind (9781529410228)

'Emma has a unique way of cutting through to the heart of the issues we all face day-in-day-out. There isn't another book out there like this and it should be a mandatory read for anyone with a brain.' - Anna Whitehouse, founder of Mother Pukka In this warm, wise book, clinical psychologist Dr Emma Hepburn (Instagram's @thepsychologymum) introduces her proven and practical tools for taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing every day. Using her trademark illustrations, Dr Hepburn (aka @thepsychologymum) shines a welcome ray of light into the neglected corners of your brain. From identifying what triggers unhappy thoughts to overcoming the fear of making mistakes, A Toolkit for Modern Life will help you to cultivate positive habits and feel more confident, happier and in tune with yourself. * Call out and manage feelings of imposter syndrome * Answer back to your inner critic * Become aware of and monitor your emotional capacity * Spot unhelpful thoughts a...

Transport Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons (9780323286589)

Covering more than 7,800 organic and inorganic chemicals and hydrocarbons, Transport Properties of Chemical and Hydrocarbons, Second Edition is an essential volume for any chemist or chemical engineer. Spanning gases, liquids, and solids, the book covers all critical properties (including viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion coefficient). From C1 to C100 organics and Ac to Zr inorganics, the data in this handbook is a perfect quick reference for field, lab, or classroom use. By collecting a massive - but relevant - amount of information in one source, the handbook enables engineers to spend more time developing new designs and processes, and less time collecting vital properties data. This is not a theoretical treatise, but an aid to the practicing engineer in the field, on day-to-day operations and long-range projects. Product details Format ...